Post-doc Funding opportunities

PhD fellowships

  1. UCLA Whitcome fellowship in Molecular Biology

  2. Miscellaneous (UW list).

Organic Chemistry Resources

  1. Chemistry by design: total synthesis routes, with quizzing options.

  2. Reaction Flash: named reactions with quizzing options.

  3. Chemistry reference resolver

  4. Synthesis problem sets: Trauner group (Denksport), Waser group, U of Utah club

  5. Resources: Denmark lab seminars, Baran lab seminars, Sarlah lab seminars (weekly topics, process, synthesis, drug, method, safety), Hans Reich: Organic Chemistry Data. ACS Organic Chemistry resources.

  6. pKa tables.

  7. Courses: Organometallics (Scripps, Engle lab).

Biochemistry Resources

  1. Protocols from the Barrick lab.

  2. Protein Engineering, modeling tools:
    Enzyme function prediction using contrastive learning (Zhao, 2023)
    RF Diffusion (Baker, 2022)

  3. Fast and efficient template-mediated synthesis of genetic variants (Wang, 2023)

  4. Chitin- and Streptavidin-Mediated Affinity Purification Systems: A Screening Platform for Enzyme Discovery (Hayashi, 2023)

General Advice on Grad Schools, Mentorship, Research Life etc.




  1. Idea to Proposal transformer: